JR Shikoku DMUs
This month we take a look at the diverse range of Diesel Multiple Units operated on Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's home islands.
Most of JR Shikoku's network is unelectrified with the exception of the Yosan Line between Takamatsu & Iyoshi along the island's north coast and the connection over the Great Seto Bridge to Honsū.
All Photos: Stephen Turner.
 The KiHa 2700 is JR Shikoku’s most modern Diesel car used for Limited Express services across Shikoku, this train won the 2020 Laurel Prize. It has a tilting mechanism similar to KiHa2600 which it can operate in multiple with. It is seen here at Tokushima waiting to depart with a Limited Express Uzushio bound for Takayama and Okayama. 7th January 2023.
The local train workhorse on the Dosan and other Lines is the KiHa1000, Introduced in the 1990s single car Diesel car that can be operated in multiple with other KIHa100s. It is seen here at Ino with a service to Kōchi. 5th January 2023.
 The KiHa1500 is another JR Shikoku DMU, Manufactured between 2006~2014, these single car units can also be operated in multiple, including with KiHa1500s. They mostly operate in the Tokushima, Kagawa and Kōchi prefectures. 2 such trains are seen at Tokushima. 6th January 2023.
 The KiHa1200 series were converted from KiHa1000s so that they could work in multiple with KiHa1500 units. Again they mostly operate in the the Tokushima, Kagawa and Kōchi prefectures. The one here is seen at the Awa-Kainan end of the Mugi Line waiting to return to Tokushima. 7th January 2023.
 Although most of JR Shikoku’s fleet was introduced post the privatisation of JNR, it still operates a small number of JNR KiHa47s and for Limited Express services KiHa185s. This KiHa185 is seen at Tokushima with a Tsurugi Limited Express service waiting to head to Awa-Ikeda via the Tokushima Line. 7th January 2023.
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