November 2007
This time the focus will be on England, and Peterborough in particular. Railworld provided a small portocabin to the JRS, which will be developed into a JRS promotional display. The portocabin is about 20 by 8 foot (6 by 2.5 metres) in size and has one larger room and a small room that could be used as service or storage room. On our special modelling event the JRS has moved in two small layouts. One is a folded double-track oval, which is completely fictional and is very useful to show some trains running, the other is now a static display that depict a modern japanese urban scene. This layout is far from finished and needs much work to be completed into an operational layout.The layout that depicts a modern japanese urban scene. Much work is to be done to make this layout fully operational.
The other layout is completely fictional, but is operational. A double-track folded oval provides a relatively long running length, the double-track provides lots of movement.
Photos by Mark Veneman, October 4th 2007
Photo of the Month Archive